Good morning!

I just received an email from Alastair Humphreys, currently one of my great heroes. He is an extraordinary adventurer, author of nine books and motivational speaker, but besides that, I see him as a passionate man who is sending a message straight from and to the heart. That’s why he is a huge inspiration for me.

A few weeks ago, I signed up for his newsletter and today he finally wrote one. I know this is not the same as getting a personal letter and I know he is trying to sell his new book, but I believe it still comes from a good place. I’ve been thinking on sending an email to thank him for introducing the concept of microadventures which has changed my perspective of how I look at things in a very good way.  Implementing creative and out of the box ideas into my life has been such a relief and a valuable, inexhaustible wellspring of hope.

But now, he stepped it up to the next level and tries to encourage people to have grand adventures. Why? was my first question. What is wrong with just having a microadventure? Why does it always has to be bigger, faster, grander and AROUND THE WORLD? Although I’m planning my own grand Dinarica adventure and Alastair Humphreys’ blogs and videos are really helping and encouraging me, I could feel some kind of resistance. How come?

Am I afraid that he will make it seem too easy and accessible for everybody to have a grand adventure and that I would be crazy if I let this opportunity go? Is it an allergic reaction to the “you only live once” message which causes a rebellious “I don’t want people to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do” response? Am I afraid that it makes me less special? Do I want or need to be an unique, exceptional brave person or am I still afraid that I can fail?

Isn’t that exactly what I’m fighting against? Isn’t that what my project is about? Do you dare to dream – dream, imagine, dare, plan, go! I’m working on a project, not on a adventure. I’m sure I will have my adventure, but it’s not about what I’m doing, but HOW. So all these thoughts, questions and contrasting feelings are part of the process. I know that, but I don’t want to feel it áll the time… And I certainly don’t want others to remind me of it… Hmmm.

When most people choose not to share their thoughts and feelings, because it makes them vulnerable and less hero, it’s my choice to share my thoughts and feelings BECAUSE it makes me vulnerable and less hero. This way, I think other people who are dreaming of having an adventure can actually relate to me and perhaps feel inspired. Maybe I can encourage them to have their adventure, by showing them that you don’t have be a hero and that they are not the only one with fears and doubts.

So, in the end the resistance I felt, had nothing to do with Alastair Humphreys or is new book about Grand Adventures, but it’s the same old battle I’m fighting with my very own goblins!

“Adventure is more of an attitude than anything else.” ~ Alastair Humphreys

1 Comment

  1. I wish you all the very best of luck with your own adventures. Everyone has the resistance. Everyone feels scared. The hard part – honestly – is being brave enough to begin. Good luck!

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