Now I’m in Ohrid I of course want to do some sightseeing. I want to, but at the same time I don’t. I find it hard to switch. It’s almost stressful. I probably do it all wrong, I just walk and walk and and then discover that I missed the most popular sight.
Ohrid old town
I did get an impression and I did like Ohrid old town a lot. Had a nice chat with a man that has a A. den Doolaard exhibition. I really love his books and recognize many of his observations and strong feelings for this region. Definitely recommend reading it.
My plan is to hike through Galičica National Park to Magaro peak, but I also want to go to Sveti Naum monastery and of course swim. How to combine this in a logical route? I don’t know so I just started walking along the lake, dived in several times until I got fed up with all the resorts, bars and people. Changed direction towards the mountain without going all the way up. Walked a mountain bike track and went down to Trpejca. There I bought myself the most expensive beer so far, but it was totally worth it. Trpejca might be taken over by tourists, it’s still a super sweet town with a nice beach and a great view.
A holiday vibe took over. I enjoyed the slow afternoon, went for a swim, talked to some other Dutchies, rolled out my sleeping pad, watched the sunset and slept on the beach. Oww summer 🙂
Sveti Naum
From Trpejca there sort of is a hiking trail to Naum, but it’s slightly overgrown and thus easy to loose your way. Of course I got lost, but I managed to reach my destination around noon. Just like everyone else. Not sure what to think of it. Of Sveti Naum. If you ignore the crowd and the whole tourist industry (several people called it Disneyland) build around the monastery it certainly is a beautiful place. Only problem is that it’s impossible to ignore. So if you go there, don’t be stupid like me, but go early. Really early.
In Lubaništa I could pitch my tent in someone’s garden. Down at the lake is a campsite, but I preferred a calm evening in the village. In Lubaništa is a mini market with a little bar. You buy a beer in the market and drink it in front of the store. I like. Oh and there are kiwi’s! People grow kiwi’s here, never seen that before. Like that too.