In class we had to write an “essay” about our favourite, or best, weekend. Although it’s not even 150 words, it is my first story in Croatian. Thought it would be fun to share.

Moj najbolji vikend

Svake godine organiziram avanturu za moj rođendan. Ovo je moj najbolji vikend u godini. Ove godine sam išla na kampiranje s prijateljima. Negdje u šumi u Nizozemskoj našli smo mjesto gdje smo smjeli napraviti vatru. Moj rođendan je u siječnju, ali ove godine nije bilo hladno.

Prvo smo tražili drvo, onda smo morali upalati vatru. Nažalost, drvo je bilo mokro. Morali smo rezati mrtva stabla. Trebalo je puno vremena, ali nakon toga mi smo imali veliku vatru. Napokon možemo sjediti, piti, jesti, pričati i odmarati se.

Obično pijemo pivo i obično jedan prijatelj donese rakiju. Puno je putovao po Balkanu i dobio je mnogo boca domaće rakije. Kasnije navečer smo pjevali pjesme dok je djevojka svirala gitaru. Sljedeće jutro smo spavali dugo. Trebali smo puno kave da se probudimo. Ostatak dana smo hodali dok smo bili umorni.

Best weekend ever

Every year I organise an adventure for my birthday. This is my favourite weekend of the year. This year I went camping with friends. Somewhere in the forest in The Netherlands we found a place where we were allowed to make fire. My birthday is in January, but this year it wasn’t cold.

First we searched for wood, then we had to make fire. Unfortunately the wood was wet. We had to cut dead trees. That took a lot of time, but afterwards we had a big fire. Finally we could sit, drink, eat, talk and rest.

Usually we drink beer and usually one friend brings rakia. He travelled a lot in the Balkans and received many bottles with home made rakia. Later in the evening we sang songs while a girl played the guitar. (the guitar and singing part did not really happen, but I did not know who to describe (in Croatian) the atmosphere otherwise ;)) The next morning we slept long and needed a lot of coffee to wake up. The rest of the day we walked until we were tired.

Moj najbolji vikend, the next morning
the next morning

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Hiking & Biking the Balkans

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