Here I am again, back on my blog and I got another (by the time I post it) old update for you. Here’s the fourth …

Here I am again, back on my blog and I got another (by the time I post it) old update for you. Here’s the fourth …
It’s a way of living. I choose to do so. I live on the road. I choose the Dinarides to do so. I’m on my …
Quite often I loose myself in trying to find answers. The right answers of course. I know that they don’t exist and if they do, …
Why I hike? Because I can. I hike because decided I could. I, at least could give it a go. Try. The simplicity of putting one …
I’m confused. I’m excited and a bit nervous, but there is also an indescribable calmness which comes from a deeper place. Wow, seriously? Am I …
This is how I see it: we are all floating around in an enormous swimming pool, filled with balls. Nice balls, beautiful balls, scary balls, …
I am not the only one, but will we work it out together? The Chicks Love Food burger is the symbol for perfectionism, a need …
A couple of years ago, a nice guy asked me at our date what I dream of. Whether I had dreams and what those were. …
Two days after writing my first blog, I ended up giving well-meant advice myself. It is good to be a listener and to be sympathetic, …
Listen to your heart and don’t be too harsh on yourself. Stop wanting so much, life’s short and you’re not obliged to anything. There’s a …