The Via Dinarica is a trail that is still in progress, only in Bosnia and Herzegovina the White Trail is officially open. In the other …

The Via Dinarica is a trail that is still in progress, only in Bosnia and Herzegovina the White Trail is officially open. In the other …
Now I’m finished with the Croatian part of the Via Dinarica White Trail and looking back on the (almost) two months I spend in this …
“What is Ivine Vodice like?” “Well, it is not as beautiful as this place”, the guy said while pointing at planinarsko sklonište Struge. “Let’s say …
I’m almost back in track. After a week not hiking, just hitch-hiking, I looked forward to going up into the mountains again. “But it will …
Jeej, I got company! No, she is not really a hiker or outdoorsy type, but she is my oldest friend. Why is everybody asking? When …