Dobro došli. Welcome. Doći, argh a ći-verb. Došla sam? Išla, mogla, željela, mislila, gledala – the lala’s and sams dance around the class room. My …

Dobro došli. Welcome. Doći, argh a ći-verb. Došla sam? Išla, mogla, željela, mislila, gledala – the lala’s and sams dance around the class room. My …
Here I am again, back on my blog and I got another (by the time I post it) old update for you. Here’s the fourth …
It has been over a month since my last update, but before I move on to new stories, I’d like to write the third part …
When I camp in front of a church I usually feel comfortable. It can go two ways. The positive scenario is that being around people, …
From Vrbanj I went down to the sea. To Herceg Novi. With pain in my heart I skipped Subra’s amphitheatre. Too much wind. A warm …
I’m not much of a mile-maker, but last few weeks I’ve been walking in circles, exploring, climbing, bouldering, jeep touring and most of all: I’ve …
Lately I’ve been reading trail reports of some of this years Via Dinarica hikers. Megan and Brittanie for example. I love to read about their …
The last night of our boulder trip we camped near Treskavec monastery, a brilliant place. Actually it was my last night, the rest of the …
I’m in my tent. Camping at a wonderful place next to a church in the middle of a forest. There are picnic tables, there’s water …
Enough words I catch. I can not make logical sentences of it alone, let alone give an answer. Yes, my socks are wet. No, I …
“I’ll let you part of my dream, if I can be part of yours” Bob Dylan said that “I’ll let you part of my dream, …
“Eva, what is your website about?” Isn’t that obvious? I would say. Apparently it isn’t. The more I think of it, the more I realize …
It’s a way of living. I choose to do so. I live on the road. I choose the Dinarides to do so. I’m on my …
“And why? Why do you hike?” That’s what people ask me after they heard me out about where I started, where I’m heading to, how …
Quite often I loose myself in trying to find answers. The right answers of course. I know that they don’t exist and if they do, …
I remember that I once tried to write a song when I was a teenager. I just discovered the magic of music and words. I …
I’ve been a bit quiet the last few weeks. No new stories and no updates. I divide my time between Sarajevo and Zagreb. Between writing …
It’s one of these days. Sentimental, melancholic. Tired. Six weeks in Croatia. I talk about The Netherlands. I don’t know what I feel. I’m in …
Why I hike? Because I can. I hike because decided I could. I, at least could give it a go. Try. The simplicity of putting one …
“What is Ivine Vodice like?” “Well, it is not as beautiful as this place”, the guy said while pointing at planinarsko sklonište Struge. “Let’s say …
I’m almost back in track. After a week not hiking, just hitch-hiking, I looked forward to going up into the mountains again. “But it will …
I’m in Velebit in a sweet little shelter on a fantastic spot with white rocks pointing out of the forest all around me. Wooden wildlife …
“I’m free, I think. I shut my eyes and think hard and deep about how free I am, but I can’t really understand what it …
I had a plan, I had maps, descriptions from other hikers and of course my GPS. It didn’t seem difficult to go to the top …
Two months ago the opening of the White Trail was here in Blidinje nature park. And one year ago I was here as well, on …
I love to go back to places where I’ve already been. Mostly to visit people. Like Gaga in Buna who I met a year ago …
Sunday I was supposed to meet some friends from Sarajevo at Boračko Jezero. Rewinding time! Instead, I got wind up in thorny plants when I …
Many many wild plants were in my way. If I had known which I could eat, I perhaps would appreciate them more. I’m a city …
After skipping Bobotov Kuk, I told myself to at least go up Maglić, Bosnia’s highest mountain. This peak is actually on the White Trail and …
Two weeks on the trail surrounded by mountains, flowers, cattle and flies. I’m hiking on my own (da, sama). I carry everything I need in …
Be aware that although the title of this story has the word running in it, it is just as much about my innertrail as it …
It’s Tuesday today, which means I have already been here over a week. Time flies! The to-do list I made last week may not be …
Saturday May 14th, accompanied by two friends and with all my luggage, I left home and took the night train from Amsterdam to München. Because …
Dobro jutro! While kneeled down in front of my guest bed rummaging through my bag I suddenly feel two small arms around my shoulders and a small …
I’m under construction just like my website becoming a self-hosted version step by step it’s a process which I enjoy little steps big dreams I’m …
While cycling up a tough mountain in Una National Park last summer, I came across a group of touring Bosnians. Just like any other passers-by, …
After a night on an aeroplane, a transfer and another flight, I arrived at Sarajevo airport mid-morning. As forecasted, it was a rainy day with …
I’m confused. I’m excited and a bit nervous, but there is also an indescribable calmness which comes from a deeper place. Wow, seriously? Am I …
Good morning! I just received an email from Alastair Humphreys, currently one of my great heroes. He is an extraordinary adventurer, author of nine books …
This is how I see it: we are all floating around in an enormous swimming pool, filled with balls. Nice balls, beautiful balls, scary balls, …
After having fiddled around on bare feet and borrowed FiveFingers, I thought it was time to participate in a ‘small run’. With the 100 days …
Surprised I looked around the room: a bed nicely made up, with a small pile of towels and a face cloth at the foot of …
I call her “my oldest and longest friend”, but she’s not the longest or oldest among my friends. We have known each other since kindergarten; …
I am not the only one, but will we work it out together? The Chicks Love Food burger is the symbol for perfectionism, a need …
A couple of years ago, a nice guy asked me at our date what I dream of. Whether I had dreams and what those were. …
What moves you? An uncoordinated stream of thoughts, voices, desires, dream, fantasies, plans and expectations is flooding my mind. It’s hard to answer such questions, …
Two days after writing my first blog, I ended up giving well-meant advice myself. It is good to be a listener and to be sympathetic, …
Listen to your heart and don’t be too harsh on yourself. Stop wanting so much, life’s short and you’re not obliged to anything. There’s a …
Summer 2014, I decided to give climbing another chance. Don’t get me wrong, I looooove climbing and I looooove mountains and I even looooove climbing …